In Cap and Gown Fund


Over 100 years ago, the Gazette went by a different name: In Cap and Gown.

More than 100 years ago, the Gazette went by a different name: In Cap and Gown.

But by any name, the Gazette remains a training ground for journalists, offering students a platform to tell compelling stories.

Since there is no longer a journalism undergraduate program at Western University, the Gazette has become the home for future journalists on campus. Everyone who walks through our doors leaves having learned more about writing, interviewing, photography, videography, graphic design, and, most importantly, being a storyteller.

Your support through the In Cap and Gown Fund will help keep this dream alive and sustain our mission to train future journalists. Your donation will ensure that essential parts of our training program continue, including providing bursaries to students who demonstrate financial need, training resources and professional development opportunities.

NOTE: We thank you for your donation, but are unable to provide charitable receipts.


Since 1906 and beyond.

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