Western Student Legal Society Membership


SLS fees are the foundation for all of Western Law’s extracurriculars. They contribute to every facet of student life from funding professional development to fun student events.

A snapshot of what the fees go towards include: contributing to Professional Development Fund, funding all of the club budgets, contributing to initiatives like Orientation Week/Law Ball/Diversity Committees, as well as all events planned by the Social Committee, including Dennings!

SLS and other committees rely on these payments to keep running.

The SLS fees are a one-time payment that covers ALL three years of your time at Western and is mandatory to participate in ANY extracurriculars (including O-Week) and use resources like the Professional Development Fund.

There is a processing fee of 2% for using the USC storefront that will show up as tax during checkout. If you would like to avoid this, there will be cash collections for the fee on the first day of O-Week.

SLS and the O-Week Committee welcomes you to Western Law!

All sales are final. No refunds will be issued.


SLS fees are a one-time payment for law students to contribute to and participate in all extracurriculars and other student initiatives.