WOOF Presents: The Foreignoy of Oz

Barrio is WOOF’s annual year-end cultural show in which we showcase Filipino culture through a mixture of dance & performance. This year’s Barrio is a twist on a classic: the Wizard of Oz. Where we follow our main character Dorothy/Doro who takes a trip to the Philippines to visit their Grandma/Grandpa. Encountering characters that embody different aspects of Filipino culture. Join Dorothy/Doro as they expand on their knowledge of their roots.

Members = $10
Non-members = $12

Zoom Admission:
Members = $6
Non-members = $8

** Everyone must also bring an item eligible to be included in WOOF’s balikbayan box (a box sent from overseas Filipinos to those in need in the Philippines)

This product is currently out of stock and unavailable.

Additional information


Members ($10), Non-members ($12), Zoom Members ($6), Zoom Non-members ($8)